
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on lokakuu, 2024.


Kirjoitin aiemmin että Aurora on ollut huonovointisen oloinen, mutta ilmeisesti kyseessä on taas ollut sen sulkasadon aikainen sairastelu. Joskus sulkasatoilu voi linnussa näkyä sairastelun tyyppisenä oireiluna, se on apaattisen ja masentuneemman oloinen. Sanoisin kuitenkin, että muutoin täysin terve undulaatti ei hirveästi jos ollenkaan hätkästä sulkasatoilusta mutta Auroralla sen muut ongelmat todennäköisesti lisäävät sulkasadon tuomia haittoja. Värjääntynyt uloste oli tässä tapauksessa ilmeisesti vain jonkin tuoreruoan jälkiä, sillä sekin on normalisoitunut, mutta hyvähän näitä on aina tarkkailla. Keltainen uloste on monesti oire maksasairauksista. Eli, joskin ei aivan vielä täysin normaali - tosin Aurora ei ole koskaan aivan normaali ollutkaan - hän on selkeästi reipastunut ja pää todella on täynnä höyhentuppeja. Pitänee myös muistaa, että pakko-oireinen käytös ja stressiherkkyys vie myös linnulta ja keneltä tahansa eläimeltä vuosia ja Auroran ollessa jo viisi, ja edelleen ilman ku...


A little update changing the topics in english and maybe making it easier to navigate on these pages. Also some longer texts are now available also in english, sorry for typos as I don't have time to re- and re-read right now! :)

Banding time

The baby is growing fast and unless it's a cinnamon male I'm inclined to be looking for a new home for it. I'll probably be trying banding today, as it really is a fat little fella so that it won't get too late! Lucy has laid two eggs this far, I'm expecting next one tomorrow morning - or late in evening today, I'm not completely sure if she's been layhing in the evenings or in the mornings. I've seen multiple awkward mating attempts but I'm pretty sure the eggs this far are both infertile. They have to gotten very close as a couple and it's heartening to see them taking so good care of each other, I haven't yet given up all hope on them making better process after all.

Quick update

Just a quick update here! We have got a baby in Lilja and Sir Robins nest, it's one of Chiaras safekept eggs again, it hatched on friday and is doing well. It's very naked and eyes seem to be black - that is to say, it is not a cinnamon. A couple of weeks more and we can say more about it's colours and a couple more weeks to start the taming process 💓 Lucy and Alexander have slowly gotten a little closer, but no actual mating or eggs as of yet. Still keeping fingers crossed. Rest of the pack are noisy and active except Aurora. She seems to have been a little more tired lately, but still eats well. I'm suspecting she might have problems with her liver too as her feces seemed to me a little yellowish. She hasn't before been doing well in a separate sick cage, but gotten very stressed. And as liver problems actually would require a complete change of diet, I don't really know what are my alternatives here. She might also just be getting old, she was supposed to be...