Nestbox News
Planned couples for spring 2025:
Steve & Lucy
Hoping for spangles from thic combo. Lucy and Steve have tried breeding once before but at that time Lucy hurt her foot and Steve was a first timer and a bit too eager as such. Fingers crossed now. This pairing might produce spangles, opalines, cinnamons blues and greys, half of them with yellowface.
Boss & Kyla
This will be last time breeding for Boss, Kylas first. I'm hoping maybe to prevent Boss from getting depressed which is possible after losing a partner. This pairing would produce violets, blues, opaline hens and cinnamons.
Etsin poikasille harrastavia ja aktiivisia koteja. Jos olet kiinnostunut tulevista Chirping Chicks poikasista olethan ajoissa yhteydessä ja kerrot millaiseen kotiin lintu olisi tulossa.
Englantilaisen poikasen hinta on 90e, harvinaisemmasta värimutaatiosta hinta on korkeampi.
If you're interested in a CC budgie baby, you're welcome to contact me. I make decisions on future homes after all the babies have hatched, fledged and weaned.
Price for a full english budgie chick is 90e and upwards, depending on the mutation and age/tameness.
Contact: lottis (a) or the contact formula on the left <<<
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